NUKLEONIKA 2008, 53(3):85-87
COMPARISON OF DICHROMATE AND ETHANOL-CHLOROBENZENE DOSIMETERS IN HIGH DOSE RADIATION PROCESSINGBojana Šećerov1, Goran Bačić2 1 Institute of Nuclear Sciences “Vinča”, P. O. Box 522, 11001 Belgrade, Serbia 2 Faculty of Physical Chemistry, University of Belgrade, 16 Studentski trg., 11001 Belgrade, Serbia Dichromate and ethanol-chlorobenzene dosimeters were studied in conditions of annual temperature changes during process control at the Radiation Unit of the Vinča Institute. Measurements were performed in February (10–14°C) and August (22–35°C) for the dose range 10–50 kGy. The difference between measurements using these dosimeters is in agreement with the previous laboratory studies of temperature effect on the dose response of a dichromate dosimeter. The absorbed doses measured by these two dosimeters are in good agreement and the difference is within a limit of 3% for the studied dose range. The uncertainties of dose measurements using dichromate dosimeter arising from irradiation during annual temperature changes appear to be well within acceptable limits indicating that this dosimeter can be used as a routine dosimeter. Close X |